I love the Catrike Expedition but have always wanted a touring trike that could be disassembled pretty quickly into a small-enough bundle to be easily taken on a plane, train or intercity bus. Greenspeed and touring are synonymous...their touring and expedition trikes are legendary.

Totally unrelated, here's a photograph Dave sent of the new CURVE kit mounted on his TerraTrike Tour. Because I didn't have a TerraTrike in my shop, his masterful up-close photography has been incredibly helpful as I've re-designed the bracket to maximize rear wheel clearance. Now I just need to get him to back up a bit so we can see how the whole trike looks with the CURVE kit!
And finally, someone recently asked which trike manufacturers we made CURVEs and CURVE kits to fit. So I figured I'd just attach our product descriptions, price list and how to order information here. Just click on the pictures and the information will get larger.
For more information you can always find me at www.stevesussman@earthlink.net. Don't be scared off by the spam protector...I root around in the 'suspect mail' pile at least once a day and will fish you out...promise.
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