On a totally different subject, I think it was 1985 or 86 that I did my first long distance bike tour. It was the year of the World's Fair in Vancouver. I was living in Minneapolis, building my first Tour Easy clone in a one-room apartment and my personal life was kinda in the toilet. So I decided I'd finish the bike and then ride it to Vancouver. I figured that having all that time to just pedal and watch the scenery I'd ride my way through my mid-life crisis and discover the true purpose of my life. While it was a spectacular trip and amazing experience I didn't really discover the meaning of anything...I mostly enjoyed the ride, although there were days riding across North Dakota into headwinds, rain and locusts that if someone had stopped, offered me $50 for the bike and my gear and a ride to the nearest town I'd have seriously considered the offer. And I watched my knees go up and down.
The point of all this is that there were times before I left that I had serious second thoughts about heading west by myself on such a big adventure. But what ended up getting me through my fears of leaving was something I never anticipated. I kept telling my clients and friends that I was going to be gone all summer on this bike trip. And as the departure date got closer and my brain was working overtime coming up with reasons NOT to go, all the folks I'd told began asking excitedly when I was leaving...turns out many of them were taking the trip vicariously through me. Well, so many of them kept asking eagerly that in the end I HAD to go...not just for me, but for them.