Msafiri is now resting comfortably in the refined stand while I finish
fabricating the new front fender mounts.

As for neck rests, I managed to get enough made to fill all orders and (for a wonderful change) even have some actually available in stock. I even finished extra “T” and “L” towers and side mount kit “L” arms…this definitely is a first. We have a bunch of covers currently being embroidered…people have created some very neat images that I’ll post as soon as the covers are done. Here are two I just shipped out the other day.
Speaking of shipping, yesterday when I was mailing orders I
discovered the USPS rates had gone up.
So anyone receiving an order with the shipping charge changed…it’s just
because the postal rates have been increased. Sorry. All
things considered I think the postal service is still a great deal and I’m
invested in keeping it alive. It’s
an interesting case study - whether a highly prized service or commodity in one
era can successfully adapt to challenges of another. Kodak couldn’t, but I’m hoping the postal service will.
The last bit of current news is about the TerraTrike kits. Yesterday I mailed out the first kit
orders after stewing about it all weekend. Renie’s was in that batch. It has been here too long, so it was great to put the cover on a neck rest and finally pack it to ship.
The reason for my shipping procrastination was all about the power in
the number “3”...deciding whether to wait until the Type 3 brackets were welded and
powdercoated before shipping the kits.
You know about "3's"…third time’s a charm; three strikes and you’re out; three’s a crowd; three times lucky…which would it be?
You know about "3's"…third time’s a charm; three strikes and you’re out; three’s a crowd; three times lucky…which would it be?
Trying to get these adapter brackets right has been a great lesson in
the value of destruction testing.
I used a Rover when I did the Type 1 design and it fit just fine. Based on the fit I made and powdercoated
about a dozen of the Type 1 brackets before sending one to Mark Peele and another to Doug
McConnell to test. I learned two
things – first the design dimensions were fine for a Rover but not for other TT
models…not enough rear wheel clearance. And second, the force of pressing against the neck rest
created enough torque to essentially pull the tubing stub out of the adapter
bracket. It didn’t break the weld
but it did peel the tube off.
So I quickly changed the bracket design to move the tube to the
bracket top. Figuring I'd licked
the problems of torque and seat clearance I made a dozen of the Type
2’s. Before sending them to be
powdercoated though we decided to sacrifice one to make sure it would
stand up to the torque that leaning against the neck rest would generate.
Using a long piece of steel pipe as a lever I torqued on the
bracket until it broke. Although it took quite a bit more force than the original
bracket, it did
eventually break.
Interestingly as we applied torque to the lever
we noticed that the tubing stub on the bracket to which the mtb stem is
attached began to deform from round to oval. The deformation increased as
we increased the force until, while the weld never broke, the thin wall tube literally tore. I used a lot more force than anyone
leaning against the neck rest would most likely generate. However I decided there was a need for Type 3. It's a bit
more compact than Type 2 and with some production refinements. But the biggest change is the tubing
stub. Rather than having a very
thin wall, it’s now either .095 or .125 wall. Since the tube is only 3”
long it doesn't increase weight much, and it dramatically increases the
bracket’s strength. A dozen of the Type 3 brackets being powdercoated now and should be finished in
about a week.
So in the end,
rather than delaying shipping even again, I mailed the first kits with the
unpowdercoated Type 2 bracket, a letter of explanation, and a promise that the
first Type 3 brackets will go to these folks.
Should I have waited and even further tested folks’
patience? Maybe, but I’m hoping
folks understand and that the power of “3” will be, “third time’s a charm.”
Tom Flohr suggested I investigate these neck rests, and after reading torture test horror stories I may reconsider engineering one for my Stowaway 1. I'm daunted, however, by the size and complexity of these mounts. I've been making due without one because my rides so far have been pretty short. When I get brave, though, the trike's seating position will be a pain in the neck.