
Most likely you're visiting to check out Finer Recliner CURVE neck rests, side mount handlebar bag kits, embroidery, tail lights and other recumbent accessories.

I make neck rests mainly but not exclusively for recumbent trikes. Each is 2" thick memory foam fill on a gently curved PVC base. The covers are breathable and water-resistant. Embroidery options are nearly limitless and allow you to truly personalize this part of your trike.

If you're interested in more information about Finer Recliner accessories, pictures, prices and how to order, you can reach me at stevesussman@earthlink.net.

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, December 7, 2009

It was a short day in the shop. After a couple of hours of using a heat gun to keep my hands warm I decided to pack it in. The good news is that all the brackets are done and read for paint, but I figured that 18 degrees isn't really great paint weather. And it certainly won't work for gluing latex to the bases, although the cold keeps down the glue fumes so at least I can work without halucinating...if that's a gift.

Another piece of exciting news is that the TOT logo is done and set up on Cara's computer-driven monster embroidery machine. I think it looks great. Hopefully the rest of the folks going to TOT this year will agree. We've picked out some great tee shirts and caps, and also some especially nice wickable shirts for both men and ladies. Penni picked the ladies' shirt, and of course she has impeccable taste in clothes (if not in men.)

Hopefully tomorrow I can post pictures and prices for all the gear. What's especially nice is that everything anyone orders can be customized with his or her name, avatar or handle.

Well that's it for today. I'm heading for the woodstove.

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