
Most likely you're visiting to check out Finer Recliner CURVE neck rests, side mount handlebar bag kits, embroidery, tail lights and other recumbent accessories.

I make neck rests mainly but not exclusively for recumbent trikes. Each is 2" thick memory foam fill on a gently curved PVC base. The covers are breathable and water-resistant. Embroidery options are nearly limitless and allow you to truly personalize this part of your trike.

If you're interested in more information about Finer Recliner accessories, pictures, prices and how to order, you can reach me at stevesussman@earthlink.net.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Good news. The first batch of neck rests with the new machined and powdercoated brackets are in the mail to customers.  As soon as the embroidered covers to come back from Zubin those neck rests will be on their way as well.

Also...I HAVE INVENTORY!  So anyone wanting a CURVE without embroidery can get pretty quick delivery.  

And what I'm especially delighted about is that this past weekend I finally delivered and installed Matt and Heather's wedding present...only 22 months after their wedding.  

Matt is Penni's son, and she's been an absolute saint about how long it took to make this gate.  We've just said it's an early anniversary present.

By the way, check out the paw and the orange and blue ball at the bottom of the gate.  That's Mona's way of saying, "Just in case you were thinking about throwing my ball" (for the billionth time.)